Perfect Wedding Ring – How to Choose a Diamond Cut & Shape

Discover the Right Diamond:

Wedding Ring – a big diamond may not be a big deal. Depending on your partner’s job or lifestyle, a large stone may be impractical. Some women may even find a large stone to be too much. Instead, find a diamond that works well with the setting and style of a ring.

The 4Cs of Diamonds

This short tutorial explains the 4Cs – cut, colour, clarity, and carat weight – the most important characteristics of buying a diamond.

Wedding RingCut

The most important of the 4Cs is Cut because it has the greatest influence on a diamond’s sparkle.

Wedding RingColour

The second most important of the 4Cs is Colour, which refers to a diamond’s lack of colour. The less colour, the higher the grade.

Wedding RingClarity

Often the least important of the 4Cs because the tiny imperfections are often microscopic.

Wedding RingCarat

The term Carat actually refers to the diamond’s total weight and not its size.

Wedding RingShape

Each Fancy Shape has different attributes that affect price and quality grade.

Wedding RingCertification

Unbiased diamond grading reports are offered with every Blue Nile diamond.


As one of the largest online diamond retailers, Blue Nile offers a huge selection of the world’s finest diamonds, pre-selected for exceptional quality, cut, colour, and clarity based on a standardized grading scale. Each loose diamond is accompanied by a grading report from the GIA, a respected, independent diamond grading lab with extremely stringent grading scales.

Wedding Ring

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