The widespread corona virus has affected day to day life. Closing borders, banning mass events, social distancing, and mask regime are the measures taken to stop the pandemic. This has changed almost all spheres of our life. The world has slowed down its fast speed. People could look around and realized what  is more precious  and the way how we’ll live in the future. Of course we can follow a lot of changes for the industry of wedding in Santorini during coronavirus COVID-19.

Wedding during the quarantine – to be or not to be?

Is it necessary to cancel the wedding in Santorini due to the virus? This question is especially urgent for those who has been planning the celebration in advance and investing a lot of money. The right way to solve it is calling it off. Especially since the situation in the world is getting more stable and it’s likely we’ll live like before very soon. Anyway, COVID is not a reason to cancel the long-expected celebration. Just think over its date and changing its type.

A wedding ceremony  in Santorini indeed refers only to a loving couple. And if the wedding must be held in any case, think about an intimate ceremony. It’s worth noticing that even the most modest wedding held in Santorini, can turn into a lifetime event. No doubt its memories will keep you warm during your whole family life. The unique atmosphere of this Greek island will let you feel the beauty of the world. This is the world where precious things such as love and family are saved despite all recent troubles. 

To arrange a really safe wedding  in Santorini during the coronavirus and get only positive emotions, we advise to think thoroughly its scenario.

We recommend limiting the amount of guests, inviting only the closest people. It’s better to arrange a more massive celebration when the situation gets totally stable and safe. Moreover, online broadcasting from the venue is one more way for older relatives who don’t want to miss the important event of your life.

When searching a place, choose open venues and Caldera terrace restaurants. A wedding planner in Santorini will help you find a showy location that will meet all the needs. 

Useful tips for wedding in Santorini during coronavirus COVID-19

Don’t forget to ask the administration of the place about safety measures on your wedding day. If the list isn’t full, add something else. Be assured that there’s enough amount of antiseptics in the dressing rooms. 

Think thoroughly about the reception menu. The best way is light dishes made of local food and treated accordingly. Refuse a buffet, give preference to individual serving. 

Inform your guests about the taken safety measures. Also let them know that if they feel unhealthy, they have a right to miss the celebration and congratulate you on the Internet. 

If you dream of the most memorable and unique wedding in Santorini according to the scenario, trust it to professionals. Keep in touch with planners online. In the current conditions, distance planning will guarantee safety. 


Wedding outfits and accessories can be also chosen online. It will reduce the risk of contagion of the corona virus. And the main advice from our experts is not to forget about safety measures, assess risks reasonably, keep calm and avoid panicking. Plan an event considering all details of the current situation and just be happy.

Planning events in Santorini

Romantic Santorini has become Mecca for loving hearts from all over the world long time ago. This island, covered with legends, attracts visitors with the beauty of astonishing landscapes and mild climate. It perfectly suits for travelling almost all around the year. People come here to make proposals, have perfect weddings, tighten marriages with church ceremonies or renew their vows. The ancient energy of Santorini gives positive charge for the happy beginning of the family life and provides confidence about tomorrow.

To ensure that an important event goes according to the precisely planned scenario, contact a professional wedding  planner in Santorini. Since, today it’s available to connect online with anyone. And if you decided not to postpone the date of the celebration, just get in touch with us and we’ll help your dreams come true. 

Eternal values – believing in tomorrow

Despite today’s difficult period we continue living and enjoying every moment of the life. This rough time made us slow down the rhythm and look around. And perhaps, it’s for the best. Now more than ever, we realize how important is to have a strong and close-knit family and reliable companion. In such a company you won’t be scary of any difficulties. The real love will resist all pandemic and your family will protect you from any storms of life. 

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